BSC Systems, Inc. (BSC) was incorporated in 1991. Ms. Mei-Ling Wong Cohen acquired ownership and control of the firm at the end of 1996. Ms. Cohen applied for and received U.S. Small Business Administration 8(a) Disadvantaged Business Certification in 1997. This certification is valid through 2006. In the past few years, BSC has broadened its services and product capabilities.
In October 1999, BSC received a multi year contract from the Department of the Navy's Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR) to provide system engineering and Independent Verification & Validation services for the Harpoon Weapon System. As a side effect of this award, BSC obtained DCAA approval of our accounting system as well as our provisional indirect rates.
In January 2000, the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) awarded the Basic Order Agreement (BOA) to BSC Systems to purchase a broad range of information technology products and services. In February 2000, the General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a GSA Federal Supply Schedule to BSC Systems to purchase information technology professional services. In April 2001, GSA FEDSIM awarded BSC a performance-based contract to provide IT Support.
From its beginning as an IV&V services provider, BSC as expanded its offerings to IT Security, QA/QC, and Business Process Re-engineering. Its client list has expanded from the Department of Navy to the Department of Education, General Services Administration, Department of Treasury, Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Labor, and the State of Maryland.